Bags on bikes can help the rider carry a variety of items from a simple repair kits to a full camping setup and everything in between. Understanding the performance limitations of each products is key to getting the most out of it.
Keeping riding essentials to the confines of the bag helps to retain the load and can prevent the contents from falling out during the ride. Fastening/adjusting straps and closing zips is at the top of the list for securing any load. Placing items on the outside of a bag can come with a number of risk factors, damage or dirt to the carried item, hinderance to the rider/bike and loss of the carried item. Securing items to the outside of a product requires a certain degree of practicality and personal responsibility.
Performance is one of the biggest factors for any piece of bike equipment. The set up of each product is paramount. Ensuring that the product is sufficiently secured before departure will greatly increase the performance of the product and therefore the riding experience. Often this can be as simple as tightening straps/velcro or adjusting cord, if the product is allowed to move due to insufficient adjustment this will likely reflect in the products on bike performance. A simple drop or shake test will simulate most rough surface scenarios.
As with any bag that is secured to a bike there is likely to be some form of abrasion where the bag makes contact with the bike, even if the bag is correctly secured. This becomes more apparent on Gravel and Mountain Bikes as the environment often has more dirt and the bike is vibrating repeatedly, that withstanding even road bike can experience this form of abrasion. Painted, clear coated, polished, cerakote and anodised surfaces are all effected when dirt is caught between it and a vibrating bag.
What can be done? There are a number of protective films for bike frames and parts which can significantly reduce the risk of surface damage. Please check with your bike company to see if they are suitable for use with your bike surface prior to application.
The expectation that you can load up your bike and ride it across uneven ground and in a dirty environment without any signs of wear is unrealistic.